how cx is about emotions

How CX is about emotions

“You have to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology – not the other way around.” (Steve Jobs at the World Wide Developers Conference 1997) How do companies engage with their customers? Is it just about data? Or is it about much more?

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The devil is in the detail

A short story of how I wanted to pack my bags differently – got frustrated and ended up nowhere. An every-day brand experience of a customer in 5 mins. I travel a lot. All due to my recent change of jobs, countries – well continents. If you travel a lot, you start to value your

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creativity inc

Creativity Inc.

Creativity Inc. or how I have learnt that you can’t always measure what you manage… They still exist – divine moments when you know you have just witnessed something great. To me that happened quite some time ago, when I saw this little lamp jump around:

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