My essential reading list #2

18 books on my essential reading list #2.

Why am I sharing my personal reading list with you? I guess I have always read a lot, but I got truely inspired when I started to take recommendations and looked into what other people are reading. It has broadened my horizon when it comes to topics beyond my core expertise in digital marketing.

In my 2nd edition I am focusing on 6 core themes:

  1. DATA
  6. OCEAN

To give my summary a little extra, I am contrasting the summary of Google’s Bard, OpenAI’s ChatGPT and my own POV. I hope you enjoy my little book list and always open for some recommended reading!

Putting AI to the test

To ensure the below is a real 1:1 comparison between both dominant LLM AI systems currently available, I have done the following steps:

  • Prompt the exact same text for each book: “Can you summarise <enter book title> for me please? Book by <enter author>.
  • Asked to limited the output to less than 100 words.
  • Provided context to focus the output to be relevant for a professional audience.
  • Gave context that I will use it for my blog.
  • I have never changed the chat, so all prompts have been kept in the same session.
  • I have never redone a prompt, which I will discuss further below.

After each response, I ran a test with each AI system to cross-check both responses as part of a test.

  • What is the exact word count?
  • Did the response come back below 100 words?
  • Is the response fit for purpose?
  • I did not test for style of the response. I wanted to leave this up to you, the reader. Which response do you prefer?

Key items to note: I have kept the prompt as vague as possible. The goal of the test was to see how a very simple and general prompt can lead to different results. I did focus on ensuring that both systems (Bard and ChatGPT) are prompted in the exact same way. Testing the responses across 2 systems was done in a more detailed and specified prompt. However, only ChatGPT was able to consistently provide the right results.

Here are my findings:

Error in the book summary

  • OpenAI’s ChatGPT is able to provide 100% of the summaries for the 18 books.
  • Google’s Bard on the other hand is unable to find 2 books at all (review the Ocean topic further below) and incorrectly summarises the Code Breaker from Walter Isaacson.

Word count issues

  • Bard is unable to count the words of a paragraph correctly and especially consistently. Even when notified about the incorrect word count, it keeps switching the counts multiple times. As far as learning is concerned, it also does not correct it’s errors within the same chat session. It’s general positive attitude tends to overlook the direction of the prompt and continues to alter the output. This is quite concerning as the count is provided, as if done correctly every time. It also starts to fail when asked to review the word count at times when prompted for it.
  • ChatGPT is generally more consistent with it’s responses to remain below the 100 word threshold. As soon as the model has to rely on a web search though, it no longer sticks to the prompt’s request of limiting the word count. Paragraphs start to exceed the word count significantly. First time observed when summarising a book published after the cutoff date of it’s training data (Schwarzenegger’s Be Useful). It also breaks the record for the longest paragraph at 175 words (Isaacson’s Einstein). It stays consistent though when asked to analyse the counts.

Inconsistency in formatting

  • Despite not changing the prompt and staying within the same chat session, Bard starts to change the formatting of the response half way through the exercise and then changes it again. From adding word counts in brackets to bullet points. Responses are changed, without any clear understanding of what triggered these changes.
  • ChatGPT starts to encounter challenges when having to access external sources in a web search. This external search starts to impact the results, as the model apparently focuses heavier on the search than the ask of the response itself.


OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 walks away as a clear “winner” of this simple challenge. Google’s Bard (in it’s current state) is quite a benevolent helper, but provides wrong answers and misleading results when asked for summaries and reviews. Achieving 100% of the summaries correctly for the 18 books is another benefit of ChatGPT over Bard.

My biggest takeaway: ALWAYS test the response you get from LLMs to ensure you understand HOW you got the response. Imagine not having read a book on the list and relying on the answers provided. If you apply this to a more important use case, you might have the AI system lead you astray quite easily.

That being said, let’s have a look at the 18 books I highly recommend:


I have always been fascinated by the impact of data (or the lack of it) on our everyday lives. In this section I am recommending insights into how data plays a major role in AI development, how a sober look at the world (and the data behind the main driving forces of our everyday lives) impacts us and what learnings we can take in applying strategy (based on data insights).


In Brian Christian’s “The Alignment Problem,” the core issue lies in the fundamental mismatch between human values and the objectives pursued by artificial intelligence. We humans crave lives rich with meaning, connection, and purpose, while AI systems prioritize efficiency and objective completion, often at the cost of these very values. Christian delves into the potential ramifications of this misalignment, ranging from eroded trust and autonomy to the existential threat posed by superintelligent AI. The book serves as a compelling call for proactive involvement in AI development, urging us to carefully consider the values we want to instill in these powerful systems.


“The Alignment Problem” by Brian Christian offers an insightful exploration into the emerging field of AI alignment, where the focus is on ensuring artificial intelligence systems align with human values and intentions. Christian delves into the challenges and complexities of aligning AI with human ethics and objectives, emphasizing the importance of this task in the face of rapidly advancing AI technologies. His book is crucial for professionals in AI and ethics, providing a comprehensive yet accessible examination of the intricate relationship between AI development and human-centered design.

My brief summary

Have you ever wondered how we got to ChatGPT (or any other AI system)? What were the roadblocks and what learnings can we take from overcoming these? Brian Christian’s “The Alignment Problem” is part AI development history part research companion into the early stages of AI systems. A highly recommended deep dive into the complexities AI learning systems have when trained on partial or erroneous data, how the leading researchers in AI overcame some of these blocks and my personal favourite: what role games played in the development.


Vaclav Smil’s “Numbers Don’t Lie” serves as an antidote to the blind faith we often place in quantitative analysis. Smil argues that data, while powerful, can be a double-edged sword. He exposes the pitfalls of misinterpreting statistics, highlighting their inherent biases, manipulability, and dependence on historical context. Through fascinating historical examples, Smil debunks oversimplified narratives and exposes the dangers of mistaking correlation for causation. “Numbers Don’t Lie” is a crucial call for critical thinking in the data-driven age, urging professionals to approach quantitative analysis with a healthy dose of skepticism and a focus on context and nuance.


“Numbers Don’t Lie” by Vaclav Smil is a compelling exploration of the critical role that numbers play in understanding complex global issues. Smil masterfully analyzes statistical data to debunk myths and reveal truths about energy, technology, the environment, and more. His clear, data-driven approach offers invaluable insights for professionals seeking factual foundations in policy-making, research, and business. This book is an essential resource for anyone looking to ground their understanding of contemporary challenges and innovations in solid, empirical evidence.

My brief summary

Understanding data can bring it’s complexities. Especially when analysing the impact of historic events on today, or trying to understand macroeconomic trends, with sometimes very big data sets. Nobody (I have found yet, maybe besides Hans Rosling) does so better than Vaclav Smil. 7 chapters on everything from people to fuel, electricity to food and amazing answers to questions like: what’s worse for the environment – your car or your phone? The answer is quite surprising when you compare energy costs of production…


In “How the World Really Works,” Vaclav Smil embarks on an intellectual odyssey, weaving diverse strands of knowledge into a tapestry of our planet’s intricate systems. He delves into the fundamental forces shaping our world, from energy flows and thermodynamics to population dynamics and technological leaps. Smil masterfully dismantles simplistic narratives, exposing the complex interplay between natural laws, human choices, and historical contingencies. Through his erudite lens, professionals gain a deeper understanding of pressing issues like climate change, resource depletion, and economic growth, appreciating the delicate balance that sustains our civilization. “How the World Really Works” is a humbling and thought-provoking read, offering a valuable framework for navigating the complexities of our interconnected world.


“How the World Really Works” by Vaclav Smil is a pragmatic and enlightening guide that dissects the fundamental principles governing our globalized world. Smil expertly navigates through essential topics such as energy, food production, materials, and globalization, presenting a clear, data-driven picture of the interdependencies shaping our planet. This book is an invaluable resource for professionals and decision-makers, offering a grounded perspective on how these key domains interact and impact global sustainability and progress. Smil’s work encourages informed, strategic thinking in addressing the world’s most pressing challenges.

My brief summary

I never understood how much impact fuel has on our food. Or the importance of concrete and steal to the world economy and it’s growth. It is Smil’s candidness and focus on the right data, which provides a refreshing look at how the world really works. Probably my favourite read of all of his books so far.


Malcolm Gladwell’s The Bomber Mafia dives into a fascinating chapter of World War II, exploring the US Army Air Forces’ pursuit of a controversial strategy: precision bombing. Led by a group of idealistic officers nicknamed the “Bomber Mafia,” they championed the use of high-altitude, targeted airstrikes to cripple enemy infrastructure and avoid civilian casualties.

Their faith rested on the Norden bombsight, a complex mechanical marvel touted for its pinpoint accuracy. However, the reality of wartime bombing proved far messier. The book delves into the technological challenges, human fallibility, and ethical dilemmas that plagued this ambitious approach.

Ideal for:

  • Readers interested in military history and strategy
  • Anyone fascinated by the interplay of technology, ideology, and human cost in warfare
  • Professionals curious about decision-making under pressure and the limitations of technology


Gladwell’s signature storytelling style makes The Bomber Mafia a thought-provoking exploration of a pivotal moment in aerial warfare, inviting readers to question the seductive allure of technological solutions in the face of complex human conflicts.


“The Bomber Mafia” by Malcolm Gladwell is a nonfiction work that explores the history and ethical dilemmas of bombing strategies during World War II. It focuses on the US military’s dueling philosophies, particularly between proponents of precision bombing using the Norden bombsight and advocates of widespread incendiary bombing. Gladwell delves into the pivotal shift in command from General Haywood Hansell to General Curtis LeMay and the ensuing impact on military strategy. The book, adapted from Gladwell’s podcast “Revisionist History,” presents a thought-provoking examination of the moral complexities in modern warfare.

My brief summary

Malcom Gladwell did a fantastic TED talk in July 2011 on the Norden bombsight, a great follow-up to his original spaghetti sauce topic. A lead up to the creation of the book. Have a look here. Understanding the intricate impact of how precise you can bomb a target during WWII, the creation of Napalm and how and why the US fire-bombed Japanese cities are just some of the takeaways from this amazing book. 1.5B USD in 1940 was spent on the Norden bombsight (half of the funds spent for the Manhattan Project). A sober story to show how wrong data can lead to errors. The Leuna plant bombing is a perfect example: only 10% of the 85k bombs even made it on to the target.


In “Playing to Win,” A.G. Lafley and Roger Martin challenge conventional wisdom, arguing that sustainable success hinges not on meticulous planning or chasing trends, but on a singular, unifying ambition. Drawing on their Procter & Gamble experience, they unveil five strategic moves: selecting the right playing field, defining a “winning aspiration,” making tough choices, capturing created value, and building the capabilities to win. This actionable framework, free from jargon and brimming with real-world examples, empowers business leaders to achieve enduring results in today’s dynamic marketplace.


“Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works” by A.G. Lafley and Roger L. Martin is a pragmatic and insightful guide to strategic decision-making. Drawing on Lafley’s tenure as CEO of Procter & Gamble, the book outlines a clear framework for building successful strategies, emphasizing the importance of making deliberate choices and distinguishing between winning and participating. It offers professionals and business leaders practical tools and real-world examples for creating and executing effective strategies in competitive environments. This book is essential for anyone seeking to understand the principles of strategy and apply them to achieve sustainable success in the business world.

My brief summary

My favourite quote on strategy (or a plan) actually comes from Mike Tyson: “Everyone has a plan: until they get punched in the face”. Lafley and Martin might not have been boxers, but their book provides an intimate look at their experience at Procter & Gamble. The framework they provide is insightful. It might not be the all-encompassing strategy for every situation, but is a framework, helpful when facing headwinds (or the aforementioned punch).


One of the key additions to my reading list is a focus on medicine. As much as the developments in AI and computing power have occupied me professionally, it is in the field of medicine where the impact of research is often heart-warming (or lack thereof gut-wrenching). I have made a commitment to look over the horizon of my own expertise to ensure I am still learning something new. Highly recommend this section to you, even if you are not actively working in medicine.


In Walter Isaacson’s “Code Breaker,” a portrait of Alan Turing emerges that entwines scientific triumph with societal injustice. Isaacson masterfully navigates Turing’s groundbreaking contributions to mathematics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, set against the backdrop of wartime secrecy and his tragic persecution for his homosexuality.

This poignant exploration of a brilliant mind ostracized for its differences offers a powerful reminder of the human cost of intolerance and the enduring legacy of a visionary who cracked the Enigma code and paved the way for the digital age.


“The Code Breaker” by Walter Isaacson is a captivating narrative about the revolutionary world of gene editing, centered on the groundbreaking CRISPR technology and the brilliant scientist Jennifer Doudna, who co-won the Nobel Prize for her work. Isaacson weaves a tale of scientific discovery, ethical dilemmas, and the race for innovation in the biotech field. The book offers professionals, particularly in science and ethics, a profound look at the power and implications of gene editing, balancing the excitement of scientific advancement with the critical responsibility of navigating its moral complexities. It’s a must-read for those interested in the future of biotechnology and its ethical boundaries.

My brief summary

Gene editing. CRISPR babies. The intricate fight behind the scenes in the race the decode (and encode) the human gene. Isaacson applies his experience from writing about historic figures (Da Vinci, Einstein) in this book about one of the leading scientists and Nobel Laureate Jennifer Doudna. A captivating read and great introduction in the positive and negative of medical research.


In Matt Richtel’s “An Elegant Defense,” the immune system takes center stage, no longer a passive shield but a dynamic battlefield teeming with intricate strategies. Richtel masterfully weaves cutting-edge science with the stories of four patients, painting a vivid picture of this remarkable defense network. He delves into the evolutionary arms race between pathogens and our immune system, revealing the elegant dance of adaptation and counter-adaptation. Beyond captivating scientific discovery, “An Elegant Defense” compels us to appreciate the delicate balance of health, urging professionals to consider the far-reaching impact of lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and medical interventions on this vital guardian.


“An Elegant Defense” by Matt Richtel offers a compelling and deeply human exploration of the immune system, blending scientific rigor with poignant narratives. Richtel masterfully intertwines personal stories with cutting-edge immunological research, revealing how our body’s complex defense system operates. This book is particularly valuable for professionals in healthcare and science, providing insights into the intricate balance of immunity and its implications for disease and treatment. Richtel’s engaging storytelling makes the intricate world of immunology accessible and fascinating, highlighting its significance in our health and well-being, and in the broader context of medical science.

My brief summary

The gut-wrenching story of the cutting-edge immune research and the people in the line of fire on both the doctor’s as well as the patient’s side. Matt Richtel’s approach to weaving personal experiences into his book keep you glued to the page, when it switches between the history of T-cells to the health of cancer patients.


As a surfer I have always cared for the environment. No 2 days are the same and when you experience the ocean closely, you can sense the impact we have on our environment. From plastic trash to the disappearance of entire species.


In “Under a White Sky,” Elizabeth Kolbert grapples with our environmental predicament, where the solutions increasingly resemble the problems. She delves into the unintended consequences of human interventions, from manipulating rivers to engineering coral reefs. Kolbert doesn’t shy away from controversial proposals like solar geoengineering, urging us to confront the ethical complexities of these “fixes.” This thought-provoking read challenges professionals to embrace nuance and long-term thinking as we navigate the ecological tightrope we’ve strung.


“Under a White Sky” by Elizabeth Kolbert is a thought-provoking exploration of humanity’s attempts to control and reshape nature through technological interventions. Kolbert delves into the consequences of human actions on the environment, examining topics like climate change, invasive species, and geoengineering. Her book is crucial for professionals and policymakers, highlighting the paradoxical nature of human efforts to fix environmental problems often created by earlier solutions. Kolbert presents a nuanced view of the complex relationship between humans and the planet, making it an essential read for those interested in environmental science, sustainability, and the ethical challenges of ecological intervention.

My brief summary

Possibly my favourite unexpected GEM in my reading list this time. Elizabeth Kolbert has found a voice and marries it with an impeccable style of an observing journalist, watching our world loses it’s bio-diversity. From the impact of cane toads to the challenges non native carp can cause. As gripping as a spy thriller and a page turner for me, leaving a big impact on my efforts to protect our planet.


Kolbert meticulously documents the ongoing mass extinction event, the sixth in Earth’s history, driven primarily by human activity. She delves into the fossil record, revealing the devastating impact of past extinction events, and draws chilling parallels to the present. Through vivid accounts of vanishing species, from majestic dinosaurs to humble pollinators, Kolbert paints a stark picture of the ecological consequences of our actions. Yet, The Sixth Extinction is not merely a chronicle of loss. It also offers a glimmer of hope, highlighting the efforts of conservationists and scientists working to stem the tide of extinction. Kolbert’s powerful and meticulously researched book serves as a stark warning and a call to action, urging us to recognize the gravity of the current crisis and take decisive steps to protect the planet’s remaining biodiversity.


“The Sixth Extinction” by Elizabeth Kolbert is a groundbreaking and sobering examination of the ongoing mass extinction caused by human activity. Kolbert combines scientific research with real-world observations to illustrate how human-induced changes are drastically altering life on Earth. The book is an essential read for professionals in environmental science, policy, and ethics, providing a comprehensive and engaging overview of the species we’re losing and the irreversible impact on biodiversity and ecosystems. Kolbert’s compelling narrative serves as both a warning and a call to action, emphasizing the critical need for awareness and change in our relationship with the natural world.

My brief summary

Possibly my favourite unexpected GEM in my reading list this time. Elizabeth Kolbert has found a voice and marries it with an impeccable style of an observing journalist, watching our world loses it’s bio-diversity. From the impact of cane toads to the challenges non native carp can cause. As gripping as a spy thriller and a page turner for me, leaving a big impact on my efforts to protect our planet.


In the year of Oppen/Barbie/heimer, I rewatched some of my favourite Christopher Nolan movies. Especially the effort the team put into recreating the Manhattan Project’s Trinity test, reminded me of the effort put into visualising the black hole in Interstellar. A topic, which lead me down a rabbit hole of books on astrophysics and black holes.


Unraveling the cosmos’ ultimate mysteries, “Black Holes” by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw takes you on a gripping intellectual journey. This book isn’t just about the physics of these galactic maelstroms; it explores their profound impact on our understanding of the universe’s very fabric. From their formation in collapsing stars to their mind-bending properties like event horizons and Hawking radiation, the authors demystify these cosmic enigmas with clarity and captivating examples. But “Black Holes” delves deeper, venturing into groundbreaking research that suggests these celestial beasts might be gateways to other universes or hold the key to unlocking quantum gravity. For professionals craving scientific adventure and insights into the universe’s grand design, “Black Holes” is a must-read, offering a thrilling tour of the cosmos’ most alluring and enigmatic objects.


“Black Holes” by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw offers a lucid and engaging journey into the fascinating world of black holes. The authors break down complex theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics to make the science behind black holes accessible to a broader audience. This book is especially valuable for professionals and enthusiasts in physics and astronomy, providing deep insights into the nature of these mysterious celestial objects, their formation, and their role in the cosmos. Cox and Forshaw blend cutting-edge research with historical context, making it a compelling read for those seeking to understand one of the universe’s most intriguing phenomena.

My brief summary

Have you ever wondered what happens when you travel into a black hole? Are black holes ever “ending”? Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw provide a delightful way to better understand the implications of one of the most impressing discoveries of astrophysicists. What only started as prediction to Einstein’s equations by Schwarzschild, before it was eventually confirmed in 1971 as Cyg X-1 and eventually lead to the image of Sagittarius A*. What I loved most about this book? Finally understanding the Penrose diagram and it’s implications.


In Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry,” don’t let the title fool you. This whirlwind tour of the cosmos condenses vast knowledge into bite-sized chapters, each tackling a cosmic conundrum with Tyson’s infectious enthusiasm. From the Big Bang’s explosive birth to the mind-bending dance of black holes, complex concepts are demystified with relatable analogies and captivating storytelling. “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry” isn’t just a scientific primer; it’s an invitation to reimagine your place in the universe, sparking curiosity and wonder with every page. So, buckle up, professional or not, and prepare for a thrilling ride through the cosmos—all without leaving your armchair.


“Astrophysics for People in a Hurry” by Neil deGrasse Tyson is a succinct and engaging primer on the fundamental concepts of astrophysics. Designed for readers with limited time but a strong curiosity about the universe, Tyson distills complex ideas into digestible explanations. This book is ideal for professionals and laypersons alike, offering a quick yet comprehensive overview of topics like the big bang, black holes, quantum mechanics, and the search for life in the cosmos. Tyson’s clear and witty narrative makes astrophysics approachable, providing readers with a deeper appreciation of the universe’s wonders in a brief, yet enlightening read.

My brief summary

I have once had the pleasure to see Neil De Grasse Tyson live. The talk he gave on implications of data (especially in context of research into astrophysics) and what different ratios of infinity (!) can mean, was the only time I have seen an audience entertained to laughter – on a possibly very dry subject. His approach to storytelling in the context of often quite complex concepts of astrophysics was a big draw to this book for me. A small travel companion, it often provided great insight into everything from the Big Bang to the search for life in the universe.

Thought leaders

From Arnold’s seven tools to curiosity of Leonardo Da Vinci and Einstein. I have always been interested in books from leaders, present or past – to keep learning about how to become a better person myself. I rarely read a book, which makes me cry though – Eddie Jaku’s story has. Ensure you have a look at The Happiest Man on Earth!


Forget Hollywood muscle and political swagger, in “Be Useful,” Arnold Schwarzenegger unveils his lesser-known superpower: adaptability. He lays bare the seven tools that propelled him from Austrian bodybuilder to international icon – tools applicable to anyone seeking a fulfilling life. Clear vision, relentless work ethic, direct communication, and open-minded curiosity are just a few gems in his arsenal. Through inspiring personal anecdotes and pragmatic advice, Schwarzenegger shows professionals how to forge their own paths, conquer doubts, and leave a lasting positive impact. This no-nonsense guide, seasoned with Arnold’s trademark humor and bluntness, is a refreshing call to action for professionals to find their “useful” in the game of life.


“Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life” by Arnold Schwarzenegger is a guide to living a meaningful and fulfilling life by being of service to others. Schwarzenegger shares seven principles that have shaped his journey from Austria to his multifaceted career as a bodybuilder, actor, businessman, and politician. These principles include having a vision, being grateful, working hard, being persistent, being kind, being humble, and giving back. The book is filled with practical advice and inspirational stories, making it an excellent read for anyone looking to achieve their goals and positively impact the world. Schwarzenegger’s approach combines a blend of motivational wisdom with a practical outlook, offering insights into leading a purposeful life.

My brief summary

My favourite quote (besides his movie one-liners): “When someone says, “Arnold, you’re the perfect example—the ‘self-made man.’” And I say, the only thing that is “self” is kind of my motivation and my visualization and all this stuff. There were endless amounts of people that were helping me. You can call me Arnie. You can call me Schnitzel. You can call me Kraut. But don’t call me “self-made man.” Because I’m not.” In his book Arnold goes through similar themes he has touched on in his recent Netflix 3-part documentary, just with more focus on the reader. A very direct, yet light touch in the way he approaches subjects of failure, humility and of course – hard work and success.


In “A Promised Land,” Barack Obama, both intimate and insightful, traces his improbable journey from community organizer to the first Black president of the United States. He details his political education, campaign victories, and the initial hurdles of his historic first term. Readers gain candid glimpses into the Oval Office, including the moral weight of high-stakes decisions, the balancing act of leading a deeply divided nation, and the challenges of living under the White House spotlight. This introspective memoir offers a fascinating exploration of leadership, race, and the power of hope, leaving readers with a deeper understanding of the man and the forces that shaped American history. (89 words)


“A Promised Land” by Barack Obama is a memoir that captures the journey of the 44th President of the United States from his early life through his first years in the White House. Obama’s narrative spans from his childhood and formative years in Hawaii, his time at Columbia and Harvard, and his rise in politics as a community organizer and a civil rights lawyer. The book details his experiences running for Illinois State Senate and then U.S. Senate, leading up to his historic presidential campaign and eventual victory. Obama candidly shares the challenges he faced during his presidency, including the 2008 financial crisis, military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, healthcare reform, and foreign policy decisions like the Iran nuclear treaty and the Paris Climate Agreement. The memoir concludes with significant events such as the Arab Spring and the killing of Osama bin Laden, offering a detailed account of Obama’s vision, struggles, and triumphs in office.

My brief summary

It shocked me to see how quick Obama went from the start of his political career in the Senate to become the 44th President of the United States. A gripping read on what type of whirlwind running for office can be and a special inside look into the challenges faced by a leader. No matter what you think of his presidency, I highly recommend the book.


Walter Isaacson’s biography delves into the multifaceted life of Leonardo da Vinci, exploring his artistic genius, inventive spirit, and scientific curiosity. Isaacson paints a vivid portrait of a genius who blurred the lines between art, science, and technology, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

Here are some of the key points covered in the book:

  • Leonardo’s early life and apprenticeship under Andrea Verrocchio
  • His groundbreaking work as a painter, sculptor, and architect, including the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man
  • His passion for anatomy and engineering, as evidenced by his notebooks filled with sketches of inventions like the flying machine and the parachute
  • His pursuit of knowledge in all areas, from botany and geology to music and optics

Isaacson’s biography is a must-read for anyone interested in Leonardo da Vinci or the Renaissance period. It is a fascinating exploration of the mind of a genius and his lasting impact on the world.


“Walter Isaacson’s ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ is a deep dive into the life of the ultimate Renaissance man, exploring how his curiosity, creativity, and ability to draw connections between various disciplines fueled his genius. Isaacson’s narrative, based on thousands of pages of da Vinci’s notebooks, presents a portrait of a man whose artistic and scientific achievements were intertwined. Leonardo’s genius lay not just in his extraordinary artistic talent but also in his insatiable curiosity about the world, leading to significant contributions in science and engineering. This biography is not only a chronicle of Leonardo’s life and works, but it also offers lessons on nurturing curiosity, creativity, and the importance of interdisciplinary thinking, making it a profound read for professionals and enthusiasts alike”

My brief summary

Besides the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper and countless inventions and stories about his life I have already know, Isaacson does a fantastic job focusing in on the impact of curiosity, which drove Da Vinci to ask questions nobody else has before him. A theme also reoccurring in Einstein’s biography from him. The creation of a new way to paint water is among the most surprising things, I have caught up on. A great read, despite it’s length.


Isaacson’s “Einstein” delivers a nuanced portrait of the iconic physicist, going beyond E=mc² to unravel the man behind the theory. This deeply researched biography charts Einstein’s unconventional path, from rebellious student to patent clerk to global celebrity. Isaacson highlights the interplay between passion for scientific truth and personal turmoil, revealing the challenges of reconciling genius with family, politics, and the atomic age’s moral dilemmas. This captivating look at Einstein the thinker, activist, and flawed human offers a fresh perspective on his brilliance and its impact on our world. (98 words)


“Einstein: His Life and Universe” by Walter Isaacson is a detailed biography that delves into the life and mind of Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist. Isaacson uses a plethora of primary and secondary sources to explore Einstein’s development both as a scientist and an individual, placing him within the broader context of significant events like World War II, the rise of quantum mechanics, and the development of the atomic bomb. The book sheds light on Einstein’s early years, highlighting his enduring scientific curiosity, and traces his path from a young, inquisitive mind fascinated by a magnetic compass to a world-renowned genius grappling with the implications of his groundbreaking theories. Isaacson’s narrative goes beyond Einstein’s scientific achievements, portraying him as a complex figure who, despite facing personal and professional challenges, remained dedicated to his pursuit of truth and knowledge until his final days. The biography is as much a reclamation of Einstein’s true identity from historical misrepresentations as it is a traditional narrative, offering a comprehensive and nuanced view of one of history’s most brilliant minds.

My brief summary

The third Walter Isaacson book in my collection this time. After having watched the great Genius series on Einstein with Geoffrey Rush, I was already aware of some of the stories. It is the attention to detail Isaacson applies in quoting exchanges with other scientists and peers, which make this book a worthy read on one of the greatest minds ever lived. Again, the key theme emerging is the application of curiosity as a driving force of Einstein’s early career. Asking questions other people have not even thought of and discarding old principles (like the ether) made him an inspiring personality. It is a sober reminder to not become victim of your own success though, when reading through Einstein’s later life stages. He became one of the great opponents of the emerging field of quantum theory.


Eddie Jaku’s “The Happiest Man on Earth” is a testament to the human spirit’s resilience. He recounts his harrowing survival of the Holocaust, witnessing unimaginable horrors while clinging to hope and kindness. Despite losing loved ones and experiencing unimaginable hardship, Jaku emerged with a profound philosophy. He argues that happiness is a choice, cultivated through gratitude, forgiveness, and spreading positivity. This inspiring yet unflinching memoir offers a powerful message of resilience and hope, resonating with professionals facing their own challenges in a complex world. (98 words)


“The Happiest Man on Earth” by Eddie Jaku is a poignant memoir of resilience and hope. Born into a Jewish family in Leipzig, Jaku’s early life is upended by the rise of Nazism. Surviving Auschwitz and the horrors of the Holocaust, he loses most of his family but clings to life with remarkable strength and optimism. Post-war, Jaku rebuilds his life in Australia, choosing happiness and love over bitterness. His message, transcending immense suffering, is one of finding joy and gratitude, making the book a powerful testament to the endurance of the human spirit​.

My brief summary

A book that made me cry. A live of an Auschwitz survivor able to overcome absolute horror and a story so well written and packed with so much compassion, it makes you believe in the good of humanity again. Especially when confronted with the evil it can create. The story of his live in a brief Ted talk by Eddie Jaku is here.


People always ask me, why I moved to Australia? Austria is a beautiful country after all. I guess it is the ocean. I have never been as energised by the Austrian alps as I have been by a simple wave in my current home in Noosa. So this year I have chosen 2 books of my favourite Ocean photographer Chris Burkard. More than great coffee table books, it is the artful eye of Burkhard capturing Oceans in a different way to his peers. Make sure you have a look at them!


I do not have enough information about that person to help with your request. I am a large language model, and I am able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions, but my knowledge about this person is limited. Is there anything else I can do to help you with this request?


“High Tide: A Surf Odyssey” by Chris Burkard is a stunning photographic collection that captures the essence of surfing across various global locales. The book takes readers from the Arctic Circle to the Roaring Forties, with detours into tropical regions, showcasing the diverse and captivating world of surf. Burkard’s photography not only highlights the sport but also the environments it inhabits, from the turquoise Caribbean and the grey Atlantic to the chilly Norwegian snow. This book is a visual celebration of surfing, nature, and adventure, appealing to both surf enthusiasts and lovers of photography.

My brief summary

I guess I best confess that the cover picture (to the left) hangs in my living room as an original print. It is an art form to be able to capture a surfer in front of such an amazing backdrop. Each of the stories in this book are a testament to preserving the beautiful places on earth, sometimes just around the corner, sometimes far away from everything.


I do not have enough information about that person to help with your request. I am a large language model, and I am able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions, but my knowledge about this person is limited. Is there anything else I can do to help you with this request?


“The Oceans” by Chris Burkard is a stunning photo book that captures the beauty and diversity of the world’s oceans. Through his lens, Burkard takes readers on a global journey, showcasing the majesty of the oceans from the rugged North Atlantic to the serene tropics. The book is not only a visual feast but also serves as a call to action, highlighting the need to protect our planet’s vital aquatic environments. Burkard’s work transcends traditional oceanography, inviting readers to explore and appreciate the oceans’ wonder and vulnerability.

My brief summary

Gestalten’s latest edition is a like a retrospective of one of the most famous outdoor photographers, celebrating the ocean in all of it’s different forms. More than photos, Burkard is showing the importance of preserving and protecting nature.

I hope you found something on this list for you to explore.

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